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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mac & Cheese with a Side of...Meat?

While listening to the radio yesterday I heard an interesting report about Kraft Macaroni and Cheese; it may be laced with animal products. Weird right? Who would ever think a dish made of cheese and noodles could have been made from animal matters, a big concern for many vegetarians. I googled the issue and found a link to this article written by Sally Clinton. In response to reader concerns, Clinton did some research and constructed a list of companies that use vegetarian cheeses and companies that well, use animal infused cheeses. To clarify though, the cheeses these companies make aren't actually "made from animals", but made from an enzyme, rennet, which is located in the lining of the forth stomach of calves (baby cows) and other animals. So vegetarians beware and make sure to read your labels carefully because your next "meat free meal" may be far from your expectations.


  1. Katie Sweeney BEWARE!!!!
    I'm happy to see that Kraft Neufchatel Cheese is on the Vegetarian list. I don't know what I'd do with out cream cheese on my morning bagel! While I'm not a vegetarian, I still cringe at the fact that this product is in cheese..I mean its CHEESE!!! Great article Kelly.

  2. Haha! Katie alert! Yes, ALWAYS read the labels!

  3. Lol yeah I thought about Katie when I read the article. My thoughts exactly Kaitlyn. As I was reading, I just kept think to myself about all of the unassuming vegetarians out there unknowingly eating meat products. I think it's somewhat heartless that a lot of companies aren't upfront about their use of animals in "vegetarian" dishes. I mean these companies are causing people to go against their values and beliefs without them even knowing they're doing so; it's really inconsiderate.
